JDMA has considerable experience studying morphological changes along rivers and lakes throughout Canada. Sixty years of research and consulting projects have given JDMA a proven expertise in evaluating, assessing, and modelling shore erosion processes in natural and man-made lakes and reservoirs throughout western and northern Canada. This expertise includes pre-construction shoreline evaluation and erosion prediction modelling on proposed hydroelectric reservoirs. JDMA has developed a proprietary GIS-based shore erosion model to predict wave erosion in lakes and reservoirs.
The model predicts volume of eroded material and bank recession rates and distances over time. The model has been successfully applied on studies that have ranged in scale from detailed, site-specific analysis of individual shoreline properties through to regional studies involving hundreds of kilometres of lake and reservoir shoreline. It has been successfully applied in Environmental Impact Assessments, such as those completed for the Wuskwatim, Keeyask, and Conawapa projects in northern Manitoba and the Site C project in British Colombia.