Our approach to terrain mapping involves first identifying and analyzing distinctive features and patterns of Earth’s landscapes and landforms that appear in stereo air photos, satellite images and maps. These interpretations are then used to determine the types, stratigraphy, properties, hazards and physical conditions of soil and rock materials on and below ground surface. In our daily work we identify, map and assess landforms of all sizes, from mountain ridges and valleys to small landforms the size of gullies and individual meander bends.
The engineers and geoscientists at JDMA have identified, mapped, analyzed and assessed Earth’s diverse terrains for thousands of consulting assignments. In Canada many of these projects have been in glaciated terrains. Our expertise in terrain mapping and analysis has been conducted for industry, municipal, provincial and federal governments, national and international engineering and geoscience consulting companies, and universities. Terrain mapping and analysis focus on identifying earth features to infer their origin and evolutionary history, the kinds of soil and rock materials that can be expected in them, and their geotechnical properties and condition.