JDMA has carried out aggregate location studies for over 120 Rural Municipalities within the province of Saskatchewan, as well as numerous RMs and counties in Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario and in northern Canada. Our studies have located sources for road gravel, concrete-grade aggregates and silica and fine sands for specialty industry use.

JDMA uses a time-proven approach to locating and assessing aggregate deposits. Potential granular-bearing landforms are identified, located and mapped on stereo (3D) aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LiDAR data which provides clues to the deposits size, coarseness and possible depth. These desktop studies are followed by field reconnaissance, geophysical testing, and finally field sampling by backhoe or drilling. For clients needing specific geotechnical data on their deposits, JDMA’s facilities include a CCIL-certified aggregate lab that can run a full range of tests including grain-size distribution, hydrometer and Atterberg limits.
In the history of JDMA no client request has been made more often than for air photo-based exploration for sand and gravel resources. Large, untapped sources of good quality aggregate are becoming increasingly scarce and difficult to find and develop. This is especially true for deposits within economical haul distance of major cities, where there is stiff competition between local urban and rural municipal governments and private aggregate suppliers. Without an adequate supply of aggregate materials, new developments may be hindered and maintenance of existing infrastructure will be more difficult and costly.